deepfall prieš 8 metus
Vienintelė išeitis, neišjungti kompiuterio. :D
This worked for me: Go to your steam folder, delete everything EXCEPT steamapps, userdata, and steam.exe. Proceed to launch steam.exe and let it update.
I just reinstalled steam for the 8th time in three weeks and manually deleted all the registry files for steam before reinstall (on windows: Press Windows Key+R, type "regedit", hit enter, and delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Valve") and it FINALLY WORKS. I have done nothing on my free time since ~3 weeks ago except try this OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND steam://flushconfig and deleting everything but steamapps, userdata, and Steam.exe, and it hasn't worked all the time due to a JOINT problem in the registry AND the Steam files
deepfall prieš 8 metus
Tai kad kai žmogus pakomentuoja temoje, tai ji pakyla "populiariausi" kategorijoje, kuri yra kaip ir numatyta pranešimų rodymo kategorija.
deepfall prieš 8 metus
Iš interface labai primena Windows Universal "Viber" Apps'ą. Reikės pamėgint pasinaudoti, gaila kad nėra Windows Phone alternatyvos. :)
deepfall prieš 8 metus
Na kadangi Breaking Bad patiko, tai gal teks užmesti akį ir į šį serialą, dėkui, kad daliniesi. ;)