Taigi nežinojau kur rašyti ( t.y į kokia temą, tai numesiu čia ). Jau ilga laiką negaliu prisijungti prie savo steam paskyros per pati steamą, per web'ą viskas eina, visada krauna non-stop į steamą, bet neužkrauna, gal patarimu kaip fixinti tai? Steam'as buvo unistallintas ir iš naujo įrašytas, bet vistiek nepaeidavo korta.
Norėdamas rašyti pranešimą privalai prisijungti arba užsiregistruoti!
deepfall prieš 9 metus
Kai bandai jungtis per Steam platformą, paspaudus Login poto išmeta kažkokią lentelę ar ne? Bet ar mėginai susikurti naują Steam paskyrą, ir su ja prisijungti?
deepfall prieš 9 metus
Štai ką radau Steam forume, neva padeda. Jeigu pamėginsi niekas per galvą neduos. :)
Please exit Steam and go to the folder called C:\Program Files\Steam\ (this is the default location for a Steam installation - if you set a different installation directory, you will need to browse to it).
Delete all of the files in this folder except:
The \Steamapps\ folder and Steam.exe (this file is listed as an application and features the black and white Steam logo)
Restart your computer.
Then, launch Steam.exe from within the Steam installation folder, and not from a pre-existing shortcut.
With Steam running, re-test the original issue.
Note: This process will not affect your currently installed games.
Additionally, please complete this process for your installed game(s):
Title: Verifying Game Cache Files (GCF)
Link: http://support.steampowered.com/kb_a...2037-QEUH-3335
worked for me!
Give a Big tnx to Steam Support!
deepfall prieš 9 metus
Vienintelė išeitis, neišjungti kompiuterio. :D
This worked for me: Go to your steam folder, delete everything EXCEPT steamapps, userdata, and steam.exe. Proceed to launch steam.exe and let it update.
I just reinstalled steam for the 8th time in three weeks and manually deleted all the registry files for steam before reinstall (on windows: Press Windows Key+R, type "regedit", hit enter, and delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Valve") and it FINALLY WORKS. I have done nothing on my free time since ~3 weeks ago except try this OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND steam://flushconfig and deleting everything but steamapps, userdata, and Steam.exe, and it hasn't worked all the time due to a JOINT problem in the registry AND the Steam files