Sveiki, noriu pranešti, kad yra kuriama MultiPlayer modifikacija skirta GTA V. Tai bus daug daugiau galimybių žadanti modifikacija, nes bus daug didesnės galimybės negu dabar su Online.Tai yra tikrai džiugi žinia, galimybės kurti serverius patiems žmonės ir bus galima vienu metu žaisti jau nebe su 30 žaidėjų, o daug daugiau. Tai manau bus SA:MP pakaitalas. Sekam ir laukiam naujienų, aš stengsiuosi čia rašyti viską ką jie yra padarę.
Programavimo kalba bus javascript.
Dabar yra padaryta:
Pirmoji savaitė
- Launching GTA V without GTA V Launcher
- Loading GTA V into our own process
- D3D11 Hook + CEF overlay (GUI systems)
- Disabled traffic and pedestrians
- Ability to set weather and time
- Ability to pause time
- Functionality to spawn peds (people) and vehicles
- Disabled cops and wanted levels (not shown in this video)
- ScriptVM Hook (execution)
- Localplayer (re)spawn hook
Antroji savaitė
+Early beginning of sync players (peds) on the network
+Basic sync between server connected players (position, heading, tasks)
+Skin changing and streaming functions
+Disabling of ScriptVM script loading
+Loading/Unloading of map parts such as North Yankton etc.
+Disabling timescaling when opening game "wheels" such as radio/weapon wheel etc.
+Disabling of whole traffic and random pedestrians (last weeks still had some left out)
+Support for Steam (Steam now properly works on the Steam and the R* warehouse version, requirement: you have to own GTAV on steam)
+Support for all current GTA V versions (addresses, offsets etc.)
+Huge progress on reversing the vehicle class (member functions like setting dirt, plate text, colours and so on)
+Control block/disable when typing into the chatbox
Naujas video bus gegužės 5-10 dienomis.
Kūrėjų youtube kanalas:
Yiin prieš 9 metus
Chromium Embedded Framework The next generation of graphics user interface. With CEF you're able to create UI overlays with HTML, CSS, JS and WebGL! Isn't this awesome?
<3 <3 looking forward to this one
Ignas prieš 9 metus
Bet čia multiv ir gta-mp kaip fanų lyga prieš pro.. gta-mp developeris buvo mafia developeris, ir šiaip team more exp :/