Sveiki visi, šiandien norėčiau jūsų paklausti: Kiek valandų praleidote Lol'e?
Laiką apskaičiuoti jums padės ši svetainė: Taipogi galite, pridėt savo regioną, bei nick (visi kas norit) . Pats žaidime praleidau 1174 valandas (49dienas), žaidžiu EUW regione.
Yiin prieš 9 metus
euw Cher : You've spent about 1.371 hours on League of Legends which means 57 days of your life.
eune YiinY : You've spent about 663 hours on League of Legends which means 28 days of your life.
katsu prieš 9 metus
EUW VidmantasMS 432 valandos. EUNE Axowful 1068 valandos. :D
Iš viso 63 dienos.
Macho prieš 9 metus
You've spent about 1.986 hours on League of Legends which means 83 days of your life.
Oba :D
undeniable prieš 9 metus
LowCrew : You've spent about 698 hours on League of Legends which means 29 days of your life.
Mikro prieš 9 metus
Cäptain Càncer : You've spent about 1.213 hours on League of Legends which means 51 days of your life.
Ssaint prieš 9 metus
Lietuvisssa : You've spent about 177 hours on League of Legends which means 7 days of your life.
napanics : You've spent about 1.403 hours on League of Legends which means 58 days of your life.
Airidc prieš 9 metus
You've spent about 2279 hours on League of Legends which means 95 days of your life. Bl galvojau mažiau bus :D