Serveris atsidarė 1.09 dieną rekordas 27 Online smile.png Svetainė -
Severio komanda Owner - Martis Admin - Leon
Features: -100% Shops fixed price and etc. -100% SOF added -Full GWD -Many Bosses ( KBD, QBD and custom bosses) -Ranks: Mod, Admin, Owner, Donator, Extreme Donator ,Web Designer and Support! -Custom Quest Tab, Skills tele, monster tele all in one interface, Donate Button etc. -Home is great! -Pvp System (killstreak, Hiscore) with Pvp shop - Ganodermic lair - Working Auras - Full dagganoths with rs drops! - flaming skulls - specs for all items the should have - Storm of Armadyl, New boots, and more. - Armours such as Torva, Barrows, and PvP Armour Degrade when in use and when they are dropped in PvP and a Repair stand! - Auras are all complete - 100% Godwars Bosses - Corporeal beast with Impact hits and all correct attacks - Frost dragons - Dominion Tower - Barrows - Fast Switching - Degrading Pvp Armours - Storm Of Armadyl Spell - Flawless Prayer system (Normal/Ancient Prayers/Lunar) - All special attacks working - Quick Chat 100% - 24/7 - music everyone knows that - Awesome donator zone - FULL RUNESPAN - 100% WARRIORS GUILD - All new 742 armours with bonuses - Gnome advanced
Update 2015.01.04
- Gnome,Wilderness and Barbarian Outpost
- Run energy affected by weight and level
- Correct anims
- Ashes
- All logs lightable
- Can't light fires in Bank
- Stumps and regrowing trees
- Correct hatchet animations
- All trees cut-able
- Emptying and refilling rocks
- All ores can be mined
- Correct pickaxe finding and animations
- Correct depleting of rocks chance algorithms
- Mining granite and sandstone (1kg/2kg/5kg/10kg)
- All logs can be fletched
- Correct interfaces
- Fletch 5, 10, x, all
- Gem cutting
- Tanning
- Spinning & Picking flax
- Jewelry Molding
- NPC Thieving
- Correct anims & gfx
- Correct Respawn Times
- All fishes cookable
- All meat cookable
- Correct anims & delays
- Working interface with multiple amount options
- Eating food
- Altar Enterting
- All Altars
- Abyss
- All potions makeable
- All bars smithable
- Smelting
- Correct anims, working interfaces & objects
Fishing: - All fish can be caught - Big net fishing - Correct item requirements - Fishing spots located all around the world - Correct animations
Misc: Custom Dungeoneering Prestige Full construction
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Macho prieš 10 metų
@MartynasPii RSPS - Runescape privatus serveris.
Užeičiau, bet kiek perkrauta visko atrodo paskaičius aprašymą. Man labiau prie širdies old school būdavo ;)
r4imis prieš 10 metų
@MartynasPii Jei neklystu RSPS - RuneScape privater server ;) Jei moki anglų Paskaityk čia daugiau info apie tai
Mikro prieš 10 metų
Neveikia tinklalapis ir temos pavadinimas su .lt galūne, o rašai .com galūne. (Patvarkyk kažkurį)